On Sunday, August 23, from noon to 4:00 pm, FPC will hold a Drive-By Food Drive. Bring non-perishable food donations to the church parking lot. Our youth (who will be masked) will be there to unload your car. You don’t even need get out.
Food that is needed includes:
Ramen noodles, spaghetti, spaghetti sauce (in plastic jars)
Slim Jim or other Beef Sticks
Pop Tarts or Breakfast Bars
Peanut Butter Crackers, Cheese Crackers
Individual Packages of Nuts and Chips
Easy Mac & Cheese
Microwavable Canned Meals (e.g., Beefaroni)
All donations benefit the Family Resource Centers at Wilson County Schools and the Lebanon Special School District. Monetary donations are also welcomed.
Thank you to Michael Schulte for organizing this event.