Welcomes You!Your Church Family
in Lebanon
Wilson County
Welcomes You!Your Church Family
in Lebanon
Wilson County

What to Expect

When you walk through the doors of First Presbyterian Church you can expect to encounter a group of people committed to living their lives as disciples of Jesus Christ. We are not perfect. We are all on a journey of faith and recognize that our journey is more fruitful when traveling with others.

At FPC you will discover people from a variety of backgrounds. Some have deep roots in Wilson County, many are new to the area, but all have found a home in a church filled with people who take seriously their journey of faith and yet have fun every step of the way.

Next: What Door Do I Use?


Each member of the congregation is encouraged to make an annual financial pledge to the First Presbyterian. This pledge is used by the Session to help prepare the church’s annual budget.

You may give to the church by check, in cash, or online. Checks and cash can be placed in the offering plates on Sundays or brought to the church office. All gifts are confidential.

At the end of the year, you will receive a giving statement for tax purposes.

Give Now button

Online Giving

You can make contributions directly to the church through a secure, online portal. Clicking on the Give Now button will take you to our page with There, you can either 1) make a donation, or 2) set up an account. Logging in is not required to make a donation. However, by setting up an account, you can save your credit card/bank account information and schedule recurring payments. If you plan to use this service more than once, we recommend setting up an account.

You can also use Venmo at @fpclebanon

Sunday February 2, 2025
Rev. Sherard Edington
sermon graphic

Sunday Worship Schedule

NCC Worship

9:00 a.m.

Sunday School

10:00 a.m.

Sanctuary Worship

11:00 a.m.

Mark Your Calendar
Mark Your Calendar