Missional Habits Journal

For the Season of Lent 2024, you are asked to engage in five…
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Ashes Drive-Thru 2022

Dear Friends, For Ash Wednesday this year, under the auspices…
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Lenten Challenge #22

Today is Easter Sunday and our final Lenten Challenge. On a normal Easter, most Christians gather in their churches for worship, and then, when possible, continue Easter fellowship with family and friends.
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Lenten Challenge #21

For today, the final day of Lent, your Challenge is to...
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Lenten Challenge #20

Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree? Were you there when they pierced Him in the side? Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb?
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Lenten Challenge #19

Here’s an interesting question to ask at parties: “Did you grow up saying ‘debts,’ ‘trespasses,’ or ‘sins’?”
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Lenten Challenge #18

It is never too late to express gratitude. Your Challenge for today is...
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Lenten Challenge #17

We have not held corporate worship services in our sanctuary for four weeks now. We are deep into our social distancing. We likely have a few more weeks to go. So, that makes today...
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Lenten Challenge #16

The word "passion" comes from the Latin verb patior which means "to suffer, bear, endure."
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Lenten Challenge #15

Today is Palm Sunday and so your Challenge for today is to meditate upon a ...